Monday, December 15, 2014

New Happenings!

Ah! It has been so very long! We have been down a computer and I just don't have energy to post on here from my phone. Well, the hubby amd I decided we would get a tablet and I found a case that comes with a little keyboard. It isn't exactly like typing on a computer, but it will do for now.

So, I'm back!

Preschool work has been crazy,busy, and a blessing. My bestest friend now works with me! It has been great.

The hubby stopped working at the golf course and got a job as a custodian for the school district. It has been such a fantatic job for him!

Yesterday we took Christmas pictures. Here are a few:

The hubby looks so cute.

The Robyn!

More to come soon...

"If I am in a position to punish, chances are very good that I am also in a position to teach. Today I reduce the odds that punishment may be necessary by taking the opportunity to teach." ~Anonymous~

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