The above verse has been my life verse for the entire year. At the start of 2015, I knew that I needed to make some changes. I was stressed all the time to the point of physical and mental pain. I cared way more about what others thought about me. I never made time for friends and really never stepped out of my comfort zone. I realized that even though I wasn't really that happy and I was in almost constant pain, I was comfortable there. I was content in the constant state of discomfort. Sounds crazy, right? It truly was. 2015 came and I decided, something has got to give. I can not and will not do this anymore. I stepped out.
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I changed my job(which was a heartbreaking decision to make, but it was time). I no longer work full time and now have more time at home in the mornings with the hubby, which also means I will be able to go back to school to take a few classes!
I have been doing more social things and inviting others into my home more.
I stepped away from some people and grew closer to others.
2015 was hard, but it was life changing.
My goals for 2016 are much of the same as 2015. I want to expand on what I have already accomplished. I want to grow even more. I want better things for the hubs and I. I want to see my friends more and make even better memories this year than I have in the past.
A random tree picture for me to leave you with. Until next time friends.
Photo Cred: The hubby